Create Middleware Instances

Documentation > Configuration Management Module > Create Middleware Instances
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Middleware Instance


A particular application instance (or service) provided by an installed middleware software. For example a web application deployed with Tomcat can be documented as a Middleware Instance.

Middleware Instance Properties

Name Type Mandatory?
Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Organization Foreign key to a(n) Organization Yes
Middleware Foreign key to a(n) Middleware Yes
Business criticity Possible values: high, low, medium No
Move to production date Date (year-month-day) No
Description Multiline character string No


Tab Description
Contacts All the contacts for this configuration item
Documents All the documents linked to this configuration item
Tickets All the tickets for this configuration item
Application solutions All the application solutions depending on this configuration item
Provider contracts All the provider contracts for this configuration item
Services All the services impacted by this configuration item

Creating a new Middleware Instance

Click on the “New CI” menu:

Then select “Middleware Instance” in the form below:

And click “Apply” to display the Middleware Instance creation form:


  • Impacts: a Middleware Instance impacts all the Application Solutions it belong to. A Middleware Instance also impacts the contacts (Persons or Teams) linked to it.

  • Depends on: a Middleware Instance is considered as depending on its Middleware.

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